“Crash Mountain!”
Paris Love & Megan Jones Vs. Alexandria Hamilto & Platinum Fury
Paris Love Teams with Megan Jones to challenge the team of Alexandria Hamilton and Platinum Fury in this insanely sexy, tag team squash match! Alex and Platinum have a decent record walking into this match, and are both convinced that despite being the underdogs, they can still pull off the upset! The match begins and it is swiftly clear who the dominant women are! Tons of ring shaking action, classic pro style wrestling, and sexy domination! Slams, submissions, ring work and more! The ladies battle back and forth, tagging in and out! Stunners, sidewalk slams, pedigree, scissorholds, headlocks, hair pulling, low blows, camel clutches, grapevine pins, rope work, corner work, stomps, strikes, leglocks and much more! A final pinfall seals the deal for one team as the remaining member is left tending to her fallen partner as the stronger women strike a victory pose and make their prideful exit!
Length: 12 Minutes
Size: 1.2 GB