“Scars & Stripes!” 6
Irene Silver & Paula Diamonds Vs. The Hamilton Sisters! Alexandria & Lizzy Hamilton
The Hamilton Sisters are back! Alexandria & Lizzy Hamilton find themselves standing across the ring from the menacing team of Paula Diamonds & Irene Silver! What’s more to say? The Worlds Greatest Jobber/Sister Tag Team lives up to their reputation as Irene and Paula decimate the thicc, blonde and brunette tag team in utterly humiliating fashion! All the trash talk, tag-in’s, cattiness, double-teaming, hair pulling, submissions, strikes and slams that you could ask a jobber to sell for you! Boston crab, camel clutches, guillotines, hair pulling, hammerlock, headlocks, chin locks, rope work, corner work, stunner, pedigree, snap mares, and more! A final double-sleperhold, and double-pin ends the night for the team of MILF’s, as Irene and Paula cast their victory poses above the once-again, fallen sisters!
Length: 14 Minutes
Size: 1.4 GB