“Weak Wife!”
Ashlee Graham Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
Ashlee Graham travels North, from Southern California to confront Alexandria Hamilton who had been talking some MAJOR trash online! Making fun of Ashlee for her teeny tiny stature and “weak” hands. All fun and games until Ashlee shows up at your door ready to fight! Alex, to her credit, does not back down and gloves-up to face her Southern counterpart. Lots of back-&-forth action with Alex holding her own, being out-struck and out-skilled, but keeping her hands up and giving Ashlee a fight! Alex gets knocked down multiple times but makes it to her feet. Ashlee continues bobbing and weaking, eating a few shots, but never being out of control. A final KO blow finds the chin and lays out the weakest wife for the 10-count and victory pose! Which Cali-Girl will be the day’s victor? Download to find out!
Length: 7 Minutes
Size: 700 MB