“Tough MILF Contest!”
Athena Law Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
Alexandria Hamilton and Athena Law put their pro skills to the test in this sexy, back-&-forth, pro-style war! So much animosity between these two bikini-clad MILFs! Both coming from the same small time, each girl wants to be the town’s toughest chick, and decide to settle the dispute once and for all in the MMW ring! TONS of action with the lady’s giving and taking plenty of punishment! Strikes, submissions and slams, the hair is flying when it’s not getting pulled as the lady’s go tit for tat until the weaker woman is exposed and defeated! Armbars, guillotines, wedgies, snap mares, corner work, rope work, low blows, bearhugs, foot work, leg locks, low blows, surfboard, splashes, choke slam, clothesline, camel clutch, eye gouges, single leg boston crab and more! What a battle between these two HOT MILFs! A devastating finisher ends the night for the weaker woman, awarding the superior lady the KO victory, leghook pin and victory pose! Which lady will walk out leaving the loser in her dust? Download to find out!
Length: 15 Minutes
Size: 1.5 GB