“Small-Town Champion!”
Platinum Fury Vs. Tovah Nicks
Tovah Nicks has had enough of this new girl, Platinum Fury, walking around, showing off her muscles and her long blonde hair. On top of all that, she’s good! She’s kickin’ every lady’s ass that MMW has put in-front of her! Tovah is feeling very confident, coming off the biggest win of her wrestling career, toppling So-Cal bruiser, KK Qing, knocking out the city girl and getting the leghook pin! Tovah Challenges Platinum and Platinum accepts! The women enter the ring, they circle and lock-up and this match is on! Straight from the get-go, Tovah realizes Platinum is much stronger than her, Platinum locks Tovah in a standing guillotine! She wrenches on the sexy brunette before sending her plummeting to the canvas with a stiff forearm! The remainder of the contest see’s Platinum utterly destroying and humiliating poor Tovah! Skull crusher, camel clutch, headlocks, armbars, scissorholds, vicious hair pulling and trash talk, bow and arrow, surfboard, matchbook pin, schoolgirl pin, low blows, splashes, rope work, corner work, belly punching, pedigree and more! Tovah is laid to waste by the California Muscle Barbie! A final submission lays out Tovah for the leghook pin, giving Platinum the W and SEXY Victory pose! Match, Platinum Fury~
Length: 11 Minutes
Size: 1.1 GB