“Sibling Rivalry!”
Lizzy Hamilton Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
Lizzy Hamilton casts family ties aside as she mercilessly beats down her step-sister Alexandria! Stomps, chokes, hairpulling, low blows, clothleslines, slams, california smile, corner work and more! All fed to Alex in humiliating fashion! Thats not all Alex is fed! Lizzy gets the KO and the 1,2,3, but is far from finished! Lizzy forces her younger step-sister to untie her boots with her teeth, before setting Alex in the corner and stuffs her little sisters mouth with her bare foot! Alex is a gagging, gurgling, mess! As she fratically taps out and surrenders to Lizzys dirty tactics! Lizzy is still not finished, she wants another pinfall. She drags her step-sister center ring for another pinfall, right before the ultimate show of dominamce, by spitting on poor Alex’s face! What a horrific experience for Alex, and what a show of pure dominance by Lizzy! Im guessing the holiday dinners may be a bit tense from here on out.
Length: 11 Minutes
Size: 1.1 GB