“Rock, Paper, Jobber!”
Athena Law Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
Alexandria Hamilton and Athena Law lock up in this heated, back-&-forth war turned beatdown! The ladies lock up and go to war with a flurry of strikes, slams and submissions. Each lady takes her turn dishing out the punishment with body slams, snap mares, pedigrees, and more! The fight wears on the weaker Alexandria and Athena pounces, adding humiliation to her strategy as she continuously pantses Alex, exposing her stars & stripes thong panties, even bending America’s BEST Jobber over for a quick spanking session! Athena is far from done as she punishes Alex wth belly punches, leg locks, breast mauling, scissorholds, bearhugs, crippler crossface, rings of saturn, camel clutch and more! Athena finishes Alex with a KO submission and adds her patented victory pose, making sure to pants Alex a final time, leaving the defeated woman face down, center ring. Pants down, phat, round, thong clad booty on full display for the MMW Bird’s-eye cam! Match, Athena Law!
Length: 21 Minutes
Size: 2.1 GB