“Pole Match!”
Alexandria Hamilton Vs. Platinum Fury
The rules are simple. There is a leotard hanging on a pole above the turnbuckle. The winner will climb and retrieve the leotard, strip her opponent to their bra & panties, and the loser will then be made to don the leotard! Today, Platinum Fury challenges Alexandria Hamilton. Neither lady has any intention of donning the sexy, cheeky leotard hanging above the ring, and they certainly fight like it! Tons of back-&-forth action with each lady climbing and attempting to get the leotard. The action on the canvas is wild as ever! Vicious hairpulling, slams, strikes and submissions! the ladies battle for supremacy with leg locks, low blows, body slams, pedigree, camel clutch, scissorhold, rope work, corner work, guillotine, wedgies, surfboard, sleperhold, bulldog, splashes, belly claws, boston crab, back breaker and more! Which lady will get stripped and made to don that SEXY leotard? Download to find out!
Length: 11 Minutes
Size: 1.1 GB