“PAWG Jobber!”
Athena Law Vs. Dynam!te Dana
Poor D!NAMITE Dana! She chose the wrong day to wrestle Athena. Dana looks stunning is her skintight, orange, cheeky leotard. But Athena, in her trademark, leopard heel gear, showing off her long legs and perky booty, is hardly impressed by her opponents attire. No, Athena is more interested in making poor Dana her bitch today! And what better way to humiliate a woman, than to beat her up in front of her friends, and pay close attention to their hair! This is exactly what Athena does, as she uses move after move to torture poor Dana with vicious, hair pulling! Surfboards, clutches, back breakers, rope work! Athena reaches deep in to her idea pile in order to handily dismantle her thicker opponent, ripping Dana around by her hair, bending, twisting, and tormenting the gorgeous red head with humiliating hair pulling tactics. How long will Dana last before Athena decides to put her to rest?!
Length: 8 Minutes
Size: 845 MB