“Latin Beat!”
Megan Jones Vs. Shelly Martinez
Megan Jones has challenged Shelly Martinez to a boxing match. Shelly is never one to turn down a challenge, thus, the stage is set for an insane battle. Both ladies square up, Shelly takes control early, stunning Megan with a series of jabs, rendering Megan helpless. This does not last long, the two women trade blows, until one takes control. It quickly becomes apparent who the dominate woman is, as the weaker boxer begins stumbling and swinging wildly. Jabs, uppercuts, crosses, hooks, combos, belly punches, and more! Finally one lady is KO’d, is it Shelly taking a nap on the MMW canvas? Or is Megan Jones that will fall in the ranks on her way to the MMW title!?
Length: 10 Minutes
Size: 1 GB
Category: Boxing
Tags: female boxing, foxy boxing, knockout, megan jones, sexy boxing, shelly martinez, womens boxing