“Kicking & Streaming!” Solo
Athena Law Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
Alexandria Hamilton promised her social media followers that she would treat them to a Live Streaming mating. Athena Law took the gig and decided to give America’s BEST Jobber’s followers a treat they will not soon forget. Alex was ready for a good, fair contest, but Athena had other plans, HUMILIATE and destroy Alex in front of her fans, and she sure delivered. Alex gets her licks in, tryiing not to seem too weak in front of her audience, but Athena proves to be too much, overwhelming Alex at every turn! Vicious hair pulling, slams, strikes and submissions! Poor Alex, she is bent, twisted and smashed from pillar to ring post with a barrage of stiff, pro-style punishment and dirty tactics! Rope work, corner work, leg locks, chin locks, back breakers, pedigree, facebuster, snap mare, clotheslines, low blows, camel clutch, bearhug, scissorholds, stunner, surfboard, bow and arrow, crossface, recliner and more! What a beatdown! A devastating finisher ends the night for Alex, awarding Athena the KO, leg-hook pin and victory pose! Alex is left to stumble backstage, her followers still watching her on her stream. Will she ever dare challenge another woman live?
Length: 17 Minutes
Size: 1.7 GB