“Holiday Pro Battle!”
Mrs. Claus Vs. Athena Elf
Mrs. Claus, and Chief Elf, Athena Law, settle a long feud in the MMW ring! These two ladies have had it out for each other for hundreds of years, with Mrs. Claus accusing Athena Elf of inappropriate behavior with Santa himself! Prepare for a heated battle as the two lockup and exchange plenty of strikes, submissions, and slams! Mrs. Claus could never stand the humiliation of losing to Athena Elf in front of her husband and the entire North Pole, so she fights with everything she has! Sleeper Holds, breast mauls, pedigree, stunner, schoolgirl pin, matchbook pin, scissorholds, camel clutch, wedgies, facebusters, hair puling, and PLENTY more action as the two women battle for North Pole Pride!
Length: 10 Minutes
Size: 1 GB