“Here Lies Alex!”
Kristie Etzold Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
Kristie Etzold makes her MMW return, this time thirsty for jobber tears! And where better than the MMW Dojo with Alexandria Hamilton standing across the ring from you? This is a total squash match as Kristie brutalizes the thicc brunette, beating the milf senseless from pillar to ringpost, tormenting her with heavy strikes, vicious hairpulling, ring-shaking slams, and painful submissions! Alexandria’s face tells the entire story as Krisite destroys her with vicious hair pulling, pedigree, snap mares, clotheslines, stunners, camel slutch, steiner recliner, low blows, surfboard, bow and arrow, back breaker, bearhug, corner work, rope work, headscissoors, matchbook pins, boston crab, splashes, bozai drop, and much, MUCH more! Jobber vs Heel fan, enjoy this showcase of pure jobber punishment from the meanest heel in SoCal, Kristie Etzold!
Length: 15 Minutes
Size: 1.5 GB