“First Up!”
Yennefer Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
Yennefer is a well-known competitive fighter from the valley. She has been waiting to get into the MMW ring to test her skills. So why not start with the head honcho!? Alexandria Hamilton! Alex is always up for a good fair fight. So, she gears up, clad in shiny gold from head to to, her leotard and matching boots and headband are as bright as her smile as she climbs into the MMW ring. Yennefer, clad in black boots, and black leotard, and a mysterious mask hides her face. Only revealing a set of gorgeous eyes that look eager for a brawl! After an intense stare down, the two lady warrior’s lockup! Alex is quick to secure a reverse hammerlock, pushing the competition fighter into the ropes, only to release her. Alex and Yennefer circle each other, the two engage again, and this time its Yennefer, whipping Alexandria into the ropes and landing a hard clothesline across Alexandria’s chest sending her crashing to the canvas! Yennefer is quick to get ahold of the champions hair, dragging her to to the middle rope on her knees, removing her headband, and proceeding to choke her, Alex grasps and pants for air, Until Yennefer releases her. Yennefer continues her assault with a pair of body slams, rattling the ring and poor Alexandria! Yennefer brings the MMW champ to her feet by the hair, whipping her into the corner! Alex bounces off directly into Yennefer’s face smashing bulldog! Alex lay face down on the mat, Yennefer takes advantage and straddles the jobber, using hair torture to make the champion moan in pain! Yennefer takes a quick liking to Alexandria’s hair, and again drags her to the middle rope where she uses the jobber’s own hair to choke her! Alex writhes in horror, unable to breathe! She gasps for air until Yennefer releases her. Yennefer sends Alex to the corner for a classic corner beatdown! Strikes for everyone as Yennefer unleashes vicious hits to Alexandria’s face, and stomach. Alex is dragged by her hair to the middle of the ring where a devastating face buster! This takes the last bit of life out of Alex. Yennefer brings a limp Alex to her feet, just to set her back down with straight punches to Alexandria’s face! She repeats this three times! Before deciding to use Alexandria’s hair to send her flying from corner to corner via hair mare! Will Alexandria get a second wind? Dont count on it, Yennefer rips Alex to her feet and sends her face first around the squared circle! Turnbuckle to turnbuckle, and it is to the middle of the ring for a back breaking choke slam! How much more can Alex take? Yennefer exits the ring to grab the wooden ring bell table. She places it snuggly in the corner, Alex is pulled to her feet, and limply thrown hard and face first through the table, smashing it to pieces! A silent Yennefer places her foot on Alexandria’s back and lifts her head by the hair. Match, Yennefer, too bad Alex, you just got your ASS handed to you in your own ring!
Length: 10 Minutes
Size: 1 GB