“Ella Coco!”
Ella Coco Vs. Athena Law
Ella Coco is not of this world. The only thing she loves more than haunting people’s homes, lives, and minds, is mercilessly beating women in the wrestling ring, torturing them, humiliating them, punishing them, taking their souls, and leaving their defeated bodies as evidence of her of her un-matched carnage. If you bear the mark of Ella Coco, there is no escape. Athena Law finds herself marked by Ella, surely the next to be slaughtered in the ring. She begins seeing signs, and terrible things begin happening to her. It is not until her friend is taken by Ella, that Athena has no choice but to fight the unworldly Ella Coco. The match is a front row seat to the decimation of Athena Law! Athena, clad in a bikini is put in a strange trance, under Ella’s control, Athena begins slamming herself into the ring posts and against the outside canvas. Ella takes Athena into the ring where she brutalized her with brutal, bone breaking submissions, agonizing leg locks, vicious hairpulling, ring shaking slams, face busting strikes, and crippling belly punches! Athena is drooling, cross eyed, moaning mess. No match for Ella, Athena is humiliated in horror fashion! Athena is a convulsing pile of defeated misery that was once a fierce warrior in the ring. Ella is not done with Athena Law. The Carnage continues. Who can challenge Ella Coco?
Length: 18 Minutes
Size: 1.8 GB