“Burbank Bruiser!” 2
Shelly the Burbank Bomber Vs. Athena Law
Shelly the Burbank Bomber returns! After utterly humiliating Alexandria Hamilton and putting her away with a KO in her MMW Boxing Debut, the legend returns, this time to shut-up a former MMW Champion, that was not happy with Shelly’s post-win celebration, removing her glove and throwing it at a KO’d Alex! Athena thinks Shelly needs to be tested by a true striker and challenges the woman to a fight! Shelly gladly accepts and shows up ready to serve Athena the same treatment she served up for Alex, and MY GOODNESS does she ever! From the bell, Athena is overwhelmed! Taking shot after shot, being trapped against the ropes and in the corner, Shelly works on Athena’s bod, just to switch levels and feed the former champ jabs and hooks! Athena goes down but gets up on wobbly legs. Was the first encounter a fluke? Hardly. Shelly continues to pour on the punishment, humiliating a battering Athena, knocking down the former Champ multiple times, destroying her belly, punishing her against the ropes making her phat butt jiggle with every strike and pummeling her pretty face! A final right hook ends the night for the once feared, Athena, awarding Shelly the KO win, 10-count and victory pose. Oh yeah, just to add insult to injury, shelly removes her gloves…
Length: 14 Minutes
Size: 1.4 GB