“Burbank Bruiser!”
Shelly the Burbank Bomber Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
Shelly the Burbank Bomber makes her MMW Debut as she travels to NorCal to take on resident MILF Boxer, Alexandria Hamilton. The legend wastes no time trash talking and belittling Alex for your thong ring attire and boxing skills. Shelly takes early control with jabs and uppercuts, vicious belly punches and stiff combos! Alex is put down multiple times but makes it to her feet before the 10-count for Shelly to dish out more jaw smashing humiliating punishment! So much head snapping, so many belly punches, multiple knockdowns, trash talk and more! Shelly puts on a legendary showcase beatdown like only a SoCal bruiser can! A final haymaker sends Alex to the canvas for a final time, awarding Shelly the W and placing Alex under her ultra-sexy victory pose!
Length: 14 Minutes
Size: 1.4 GB