“Atomic Jobber!” 2
Athena Law Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
Your FAVORITE Jobber is back. America’s BEST Jobber, Alexandria Hamilton, has gear up in the sexiest of sexy Jobber gear! When she’s not sporting the Stars & Stripes, Alexandria prefers to enter the ring in White Jobber Gear, be it Leotard or Bikini, Pro-Gear or Tights, and today she has chosen the perfect white bra and cotton panty set, complete with fringy walkout jacket, and white boots, pads and wraps! The look wouldn’t be complete without her cowboy hat, so she slaps one on and is ready to wrestle! Today her opponent, the meanest of the mean, baddest of the bad, Zebra print thong leotard clad, Athena Law! Athena LOVES a good jobber to snack on, and with Alex so bright in her sexy white, Athena can’t help but hone-in on Alexandria’s sexy, phat, round booty covered in those beautiful, full back, white cotton panties! Athena already knows her gameplan, “Destroy Alexandria’s booty with vicious wedgies.”, and my goodness does she ever! The two women lock up where Athena sends a huge knee into Alexandria’s sexy soft jobber belly, folding the PAWG in half, in perfect position for a brutal guillotine! It’s Game-on, Athena wastes no time and straight front the guillotine grabs a handful of Alexandria’s panties for a humiliating wedgie! Alex is beside herself as she writhes and moans before being pounded to the canvas with a vicious forearm! The rest of the contest see’s Athena utterly decimating and humiliating America’s BEST Jobber with dirty, wedgie tactic after dirty, wedgie tactic! In a bearhug, in a modified crippler, from a scissorhold, on the ropes, in a submission hold, in the corner, for a slam, for a taunt, and just for plain ol’ humiliating, Athena destroys Alex with endless wedgies before binding Alexandira’s leg with her own panties for the ultimate, humiliating wedgie finisher!
Length: 14 Minutes
Size: 1.4 GB