“Atomic Jobber!”
Platinum Fury Vs. Alexandria Hanilton
Platinum Fury utterly decimates and humiliates Alexandria Hamilton in the sexiest pro style wedgie match online! Alex enters in her red tights; Platinum follows clad in heel black. The match begins and Platinum immediately takes control, pummeling the Thicc MILF from pillar to ring post, trapping America’s BEST Jobber in the corner for a breath taking stinkface! Alex is then destroyed with camel clutches, guillotines, bearhugs, and more! Alex finds herself thrown out of the ring and retreats to the back. Platinum chases down the PAWG, stripping her of her pants, Platinum drags the begging jobber back out to the ring in only her panties, boots, and top! Alex is then subjected to multiple wedgies, and multiple atomic wedgies! All while throwing in a humiliating mix of pro wrestling moves! Alex is completely destroyed as she is bent and twisted, pulled, yanked, and beat every which way, all while enduring Platinum’s fierce wedgies!
Length: 19 Minutes
Size: 1.9 GB