“Athena Claw!”
Athena Law Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
We start with a lovely view of Alexandria’s round bottom, walking towards Athena, who is just sitting on the couch. Alex has a match later and likes to look good as America’s BEST Jobber, so, she simply asks Athena to brush her hair. No problem, right? WRONG! Athena has a habit of beating Alexandria’s ass, perhaps the thought of another woman mercilessly beating HER jobber, is just too much to handle. Athena begins to brush Alexandria’s hair, but it’s not long before she slaps a sitting figure 4 head scissor on the unsuspecting jobber! Alex struggles, Athena places her hands over Alexandria’s mouth for a eye popping hand smother. Alex is kicking in horror as Athena again, has her at her mercy. Alex soon fades! and Athena shakes her head around, showing the viewer how easy she puts Hamilton’s to rest. Alex begins to come too, but Athena quickly throws her to the floor and straddles the young jobber. Athena perky booty looks awfully nice in her tight jeans, but wrestling fans my ignore it, in order to watch Alex drool and kick, locked in Athena’s mount, and suffering from her mandible claw! Athena has her fingers deep in Alexandria’s mouth, Alex can do nothing but gag and kick and wait for Athena to get bored. It’s not long before Alex fades, and Athena leaves her on the living room floor, a mess of a jobber. Sorry Alex looks like you’re going to have to forfeit todays match! $1 ON WEBSITE
Length: 7 Minutes
Size: 690 MB