“1st Round Loser!”
Ashlee Graham Vs. Alexandria Hamilton
Ashlee Graham has some SERIOUS hands and puts them on full display as she batters her thiccest rival, Alexandria Hamilton in this back-&-forth, turned one-sided, boxing beatdown! Alex tries to hold her own, but Ashlee hits SO hard, whipping Alexandria’s head back, her hair flying. Alex is on skates, trying to exchange but keeps eating shot after shot! Ashlee scores multiple knockdowns as she makes quick work of Nor-Cal’s Ultra-PAWG! The match continues and Ashlee continues feeding Alex a steady diet of punishment before putting her down with a knockout haymaker in round 1! Match, the always dangerous, Ashlee Graham!
Length: 7 Minutes
Size: 700 MB
Category: Boxing
Tags: ashlee graham, beatdown, bikini boxing, bra and panties, female boxing, foxy boxing, knockout, sexy boxing, womens boxing